Can't launch the game. Did everything as described in the first entry. Nothing happened.
I've had the same error message as those listen above: Did the fix once yesterday and it worked. Did the fix today and now it doesn't work. This sucks because we can't be on to play during the Halloween events and I don't know about anyone else but I enjoyed spending my time hunting for pumpkins. Really wished the Planetside 2 team would STOP breaking the game with every update, no matter how many stuff you guys fix there are always something that slips pass to bite us (the players) in the ***.
I'm having a different error where the launcher starts but randomly crashes when I click play and also the game tries to start but can't due to this error: Also here is a video of what happens when I try to click play (the error above only comes up when I run launchpad as admin): I've tried doing the things you've said but the same happens again. Planetside works fine on my laptop so I transferred the files and still got the same error above.
Hey everyone! I'm having this issue as well! I deleted the files and validated/re-downloaded the missing files like the instructions said, however, it still doesn't work! I don't need to re-screenshot my error message because it's exactly the same as the two above (e.g. Psionic Storm's screenshot). I filed a support ticket with SOE and am still awaiting a response.
1 day later. Deleted the game. Redownloaded it via Steam (before I used it without Steam). Could log in once. Now the same Error as listed in my previous posting and from others as well. ETA fix? Any info about the prob? Please?
BREAKING NEWS EVERYONE! A SOE support agent replied to by ticket and gave me the following solution THAT WORKED: "If you are running the program Razer Synapse 2.0 please disable this software and try accessing PlanetSide 2 once again." -Sean F. I closed the program from the system tray and it just worked! No more Runtime Error R6030! I hope this works for everyone who's having this trouble as well!
I use razor comms, but once I shut that down the R6030 error went away. So I'm guessing razer software is conflicting with PS2 for the time being?
Razer released a patch today for Razer Synapse 2.0, but I haven't had time to test to see if it fixed the conflicting problem. And yes, like JaymanNS said, the problem seems to be between Razer software and PS2. I hope people without the Razer software aren't having problems!
THANK GOD FOR THIS POST I WAS PANICKING SO MUCH LOL. I just started getting back into planetside today, and I come home and BOOM this. Looked everywhere for a solution and found none. Good to see I'm not alone, I tried to repair the game files as posted by our dear lord and savior AlexS, but to no avail. Anyways hope you guys can fix it soon 2.3 ghz I7 GTX 765M 16 gb ram usually runs game on ultra at 40-50 fps so yea help <3
no it's NOT between Razer software and PS2. Many people do not have razor but DO have the R6030 error as the most cursory reading of these forums would show
I do run Razer Synapse 2.0. Turned it off. Game works.. well.. "works" besides all the other problems I noticed at my short session. Forced me to rage quit. At least it is somewhat connected to a third party program. No Razer people.. turn them randomly on and off.
i get the feeling that this problem will be ignored. It's a shame, I loved Planetside, I grew to like Planetside 2 and built a PC just to be able to run it but I guess all the SOE effort is going to getting PS2 on the PS4 and their everquest II MMO. Time for some Planetside ANT runs i guess - the original PS music was so much better it'll be nice to hear it again