Or drop ammo? Or come to life after spawning? It wasn't this way until the last couple of patches, and after missing innumerable opportunities and dying innumerable times, I've had enough of it. The h*ll is going on here?
Man this is what i call a ping over 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.....
No, my ping is fine and my framerate is 20-30 FPS. This is a recent problem. Started up perhaps a month ago.
what have you done to attempt to fix it, have you verified the game files at all (click the little wrench at the bottom left of the launch pad and select validate files) ? have you tried opening a support ticket?
I have similar problems too. Not 10-15 seconds but sometimes different actions take 5-6 seconds. It´s not changing weapons. My ping is ok (50-60) and I don´t have hitdetection or lag problems. Maybe some of this are not really bugs, but I would like to know if someone else has this problems. - Deploying/undeploying sunderer takes 5-6 seconds after standing still. (same with prowler) - Activating Med-Kits takes a few seconds (changing to med-kits is ok, but then it takes ~3 seconds to "use" it). - throwing ammo-packs takes also ~3 seconds after switching to it. I have to press F a few times to use it. When I see Youtube videos (for example wrel) I wonder how quickly they can use the med kits. Am I doing something wrong? Is that intended?
the sunder thing is server related, it takes the server a second to realize your sunder is in a valid state to deploy. as for the others i have rarely had thous issues.