1) Why? 2) How?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HAXTIME, Oct 15, 2017.


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  2. oTec

    Normally it's the other way around, NC gets **** on and TR is 2nd :p
  3. Liewec123

    because TR really really wanted to keep that amp station apparently! XD
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  4. Halkesh

    You only show territory control, not population.
    Why ?
    Alert as started, so everyone switch faction to the winner faction because of the unbalanced reward system.

    How ?
    Mindless NC from cobalt are attacking everything that isn't blue, so they often fight TR instead of VS while they should (for preventing VS for winning the alert).

    Solution :
    Alert start at 41%
    Refined cortium reduce the alert timer (which mean more chance to win)
    Alert timer start at 45min and is reduced by 30sec every 1000 refined cortium stocked before the alert start. The timer minimal time is 20min at 50 000 cortium.

    Reward are changed :
    -Winner get 200 ISO
    -Second place get 100 ISO
    -Third place get 50 ISO
    -The faction that trigger the alert get 50% more ISO
    -If the faction that trigger the alert win, it get a cosmetic reward and lock the continent
  5. JobiWan

    Most alerts I've played in lately are like this. One side has a massive majority and everyone else just gives up or switches sides.
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  6. Kristan

    Entire 16% of TR population is on Dahaka! :D
  7. Pelojian

    there are only two real responses to meltdown alerts really.

    A) triggering faction has angered both other sides through the day. so they team up on the trigger faction
    B) one non triggering faction has angered both other sides through the day, so they team up to ensure the trigger side wins and the second ally comes second.
  8. Eternaloptimist

    So what you're saying is that there is a great deal of logical evaluation of a situation and then collective action based on widespread agreement about what to do? This is an aspect of PS2 I was not previously familiar with! :)
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  9. The Shady Engineer


    Not much territory lost to the NC but Vanu own almost all the middle. The Vanu cuddlezerg must have been going full steam ahead on the Terran front.

    And then there's Dahaka... wtf happened there? Did TR conquer all the way to Dahaka and fold everything else or is it just some bored platoon lead dropping his people on an NC-VS fight?
  10. FateJH

    I hated Beta Crown. That said, I still find myself cheering for Dahaka.
  11. Pelojian

    it'd not about evaluation as a group (in terms of communicated evaluation), collective action, yes.

    when one side has more pop then the other two then relentlessly hammers both of them for hours, then over time loses that pop and a meltdown starts, do you expect those 2 factions to fight each other? i don't think so, some at least would be watching the cont pop and realize they can both hammer the side that pissed them off.

    when one faction farms another it pisses the victims off, when they farm the other two they are pissing both sides off that they overcome their instinct to team up with the larger faction and beat down the lowest pop faction, they get so pissed they do the reverse and the large faction suffers.

    sometimes though i see TR farm some VS, VS farm some NC and NC farm some TR at the same time (when cont pop is around 33/33/33) and i laugh, because all three factions have a platoon going zerg farm mode causing an opportunity for their allies to get farmed by someone else.