1 week i have reported a hacker and nothing...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VanuSmile, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. 0fly0

  2. TombsClawtooth

    Pretty sure even today I witnessed someone with a pretty radical aimbot.

    I was a medic, suppressing snipers with my reaper DMR as TR were zerging towards our base. I see 1 infiltrator waaaay off in the distance, back as far as the others sniping. He was running towards me and I heard DINKDINKDINKDINKDINK as if someone had some rate of fire hack as well as an aimbot. The death screen comes up, and he was using an NS MKV. He was BR21. (I can confirm it was the guy off in the distance because I Q spotted him.)

    Since when do SMGs land 5 perfect headshots, full auto, while running, at ranges only snipers are effective at? I debated reporting him, and I'm not going to name drop, because it could have been some sort of server error... But that's fishy to me. If the NS MKV is capable of such a thing in the hands of legitimate players, I'm dropping my reaper DMR.

    Checking his kill board, it seems he logged off after I messaged him and asked how he managed to make a shot like that.
  3. VanuSmile

  4. Liberty

    I'll raise you 38 kills in 152 seconds. Never underestimate the lower limits of your opponents.

    (While 11 in 35 is one kill every 3.2. seconds and the latter is a kill every 4 seconds, it is plenty possible to get 11 kills with no reload using the SAW where as 38 kills with the SVA took multiple reloads.)
  5. lothbrook

    Ehhh, he basically ONLY uses the gauss saw, no good NC player would do that, you get your Aurax with it and then throw it in the dumpster pile, lol. Its also questionable that he has 43% accuracy with it, thats MLG pro GOD status right there.
  6. Liberty

    The problem is there is nothing really concrete. Everything shown so far is well within the realm of possibility for an experienced player. Those players who go for accuracy often hit that 38-45% range by limiting their engagement range, the same for head shot padding players. (Personally, I just try to shoot as many dudes as possible while not dying, no matter where they are)

    The SAW isn't bad by any means (it isn't the best either), I've probably rolled at least half a dozen NC alts (I enjoyed starting with level 1 and then getting a few auraxiums to see how I'd do) and I always started with the saw and generally enjoyed the experience. Yes, the anchor is more competitive against better opponents but I'd still usually hover around that 5-7 K/D w/ 90+ KPH with the SAW and I am far far from the best player out there.

    TL:DR - The dude has good KDR, Decent KPH and Great Accuracy but there are legit players who produce better stats than what is shown.
  7. strid3r478

    Yup i was killed by this aimboter too telled everyone in outfit to report him and giving link to his killboard yet ain't **** is done i wonder do they think why less and less people actually paying money for game
  8. AxiomInsanity87

  9. 0fly0


    New hacker ( or old ), nice one this time, we have a almost br 100, good aim player, until now i was thinking about true player, sadly i just watch him use underground hack and destroy every sundie we have on the base...
    I try to record it with fraps but i have no idea why i can't record any gameplay with it now.
    Anyways no need to wonder why people stop playing this game when you see thing like this everyday.
  10. Jake the Dog

    I don't trust the general populace with deciding who's hacking and who's not, I've been called a hacker way too many times for me to believe every hackusation.