1 c4 + UBGL vs MBT/Lightning?

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by repairtool6, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. repairtool6

    I know 2 C4 will kill any tank, and 2 C4 + 2 UBGL kill sundie. However, can 1 C4 + 2UBGL finish off mbt/lightning in this same way? Or do you have to use 2 C4 no matter what if the tank is undamaged?

    Just curious because im tempted to get the trac-5 s with ubgl
  2. greywolveSXE

    Heres my hint for you
    Go to VR-Training Area
    Take the weapon you want with ubgl
    put one c4 on the position you like on Tank of your choice in a position you like (e.g. on the rear or on top) blow it up and then shoot at it with ubgl
  3. repairtool6

    sigh..i'll test it when i get back home then.
    Just impatient because im on a trip and cant log in for a few days :p
  4. Flashtirade

    I don't think it can. C4 on a full-health lightning doesn't set it on fire, much less an MBT. At least from experience.
  5. Compass

    1C4 and 2x UBGL can, if both grenades are fired at the rear and hit. It will blow up instantly on the second UBGL.

    May not work if the UBGL detonates the C4. Better to UBGL twice first, then plop C4 and run.
  6. blzbug

    Does using C4 in the VR still cost normal resources? I know grenades used to. You can burn up alot of resources quick experimenting with the impact range on flashbang/conc grenades.
  7. PyroPaul

    C4 does 2900 damage.
    Lightings have 3000 health.

    1 C4 + 1 UBGL explosive round kills a Lighting...

    MBTs have 4000 health.
    1 c4 + 2 UBGL's to the Rear Armor will destroy a tank outright on the second grenade impact.
    however, it is not reliable to depend on this as your tank killing method unless if against stationary camping tanks. Most tank drivers will start moving after the first grenade impact making it much harder to sink 2 rear shots with the UBGL to kill it. You could double tap with the UBGL first as tankers are less inclined to respond to small incremental damage, then instantly pop them with a single C4... but still they will know you're around them after the first round making it that much more difficult to do.