[Suggestion] 1.5x XP Boost for non-members every weekend?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, May 22, 2023.

  1. AntDX316

    1.5x XP Boost for non-members every weekend would be good as it gives people more of an incentive to make the weekends crazier where people would want to become a member and slot 50% XP Boosts for more unlocks and high BR especially ASP. It would help with their construction too.
  2. Shatteredstar

    Personally I think more small events would help liven things up. Bring back some of the 15 min mini alerts or introduce others as well. Spice the overall experience up! With construction changed the number of player bases actually could make for interesting things if a mini alert or two would force some bases to go neutral for like 5 min then be a free for all scramble to cap them.