1,000 Certs for Only 30 More Ammo!?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Reizod, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Reizod

    Ok, using the following example...

    If you went to Subway and ordered a sandwhich, chips and a fountain soda, and you asked the person to top-off your soda after the fizz went down a bit, and they said that it would cost another $5, you would be "fine" with that as well?
  2. BadLlama

    I believe you should wikipedia logical fallacy then get back to me when you actually have something that isn't a false equivalency and isn't completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
  3. MacGringo

    The grind seems painful, but the game is young. The 'value' of certs is very high because people havent played for very long. But I bet a year of a dedicated player's time will render 1000 cp as chump change. Time will create a natural 'inflation' of certs, making those high-tier upgrades rather trivial.

    The only thing I really wish they did was ease the progression. So instead of an armor upgrade being spread out over 5 levels, its over 10 levels. Each incriment is smaller, but they are acheivable twice as fast. This keeps players invested.
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  4. Reizod

  5. Beeffy

    Although i agree with you that if you play for a year you will probably have lots of certs to spend, but what about new players just joining? They wont have the luxury to spend certs on things like rocket pods or AA. This would cause mass imbalances for new players that dont want to drop 100 bucks on a free game just to stay competitive.
  6. Cyrad

    I was grinding on this game for an entire week. I still do not have enough certs to buy the gun i want. i just want one gun for one class. but in all my time playing it. im nowhere near close to the certs. i was even part of the beta. so i had a grip on it from the beginning. i just dont feel very well rewarded for playing all day.
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  7. SoupOrJuice

    My one peeve for this game is this - Launchers should NOT be that expensive. Or at least, give me a good alternative for AA as infantry (other than spending my infantry points on MAXes, when most of the time I need my infantry resources for buying grenades and such). I'm fine with not being able to lock-on to vehicles, I can aim fine at long range with the launcher after some practice, but you have to admit the beginner unguided launcher is impossible to utilize as an AA weapon.

    Other than that, I think cert prices for upgrades like Nanoweave armor and things like that are fine. Attachments are kind of pricy, but the trial system fixes that I think. Just weapons feel kind of over-priced, specifically Launchers. I know, they have to make money somehow, but I am strongly against "Pay-to-Win" structures in F2P games. That is, the ability to buy weapons/armor, instead of just vanity items. At least meet me half-way and lower the cert costs on the most basic of each item. You've done this for all primaries, but secondaries for vehicles and launchers remain overpriced IMO.
  8. Tuco

    There shouldn't be character progression in a FPS, period, end of story.

    SONY should have stuck with the sidegrade idea.

    First FPS I saw with character progression unlocks was BF2, you know what went through my head? "BF1 was better, this is lame. If I want to grind I'll play WOW."
  9. CaligoIllioneus

    You do not have to grind certs in Planetside 2. It's not like you have to go play a mining mini-game and then go sell the ores to obtain certs, you have to *gasp* play the game. These upgrades are meant as end game stuff for people that have already certed into other more useful things, and the fact that the bonuses of these kind of upgrades are slight ones is meant to not give a huge advantage for these high level players above others, which I appreciate. It gives an advantage, but not an unfair one.

    "There shouldn't be character progression in a FPS, period, end of story."

    -> Heh. As a fun fact, one of the main reasons I'm playing PS2 is the character progression. In fact this must be the only FPS I played for more than a couple of minutes, as I normally play RPGs. Taking out character progression would only manage to further remove depth from the game, in my opinion.
  10. Tuco

    Grinding removes depth from the game. Grinding is for WOW-clones.

    I get it, you want to feel as if you're accomplishing something cause without character progression you aren't accomplishing anything by throwing yourself into the Crown slaughter and not getting anywhere. I get it, I really do. The devs put in character progression to cover up gameplay that has no depth. It's an illusion that you fell for.
  11. Floris

    the good thing about that is that starting players have a chance.
  12. Tuco

    So does a level 1 character in WOW have "a chance" against a level 60, if that level 60 goes AFK for half an hour while the level 1 pounds on them.
  13. CaligoIllioneus

    But Planetside 2 has no grinding on it whatsoever. You obtain certs through normal play...capturing bases gives certs, repairing gives certs, killing gives certs, etc. Basically everything gives XP which in turn gets you certs. Grinding is when you have to do a repetitive task in order to obtain currency or level up some skill or whatever. Here you do not have to grind or farm, you just have to play normally. If you find that playing normally is a repetitive task, then your issue with the game is that you find it boring.

    You sir have never grinded, heh.
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  14. SoupOrJuice

    I don't find the game boring. Well actually, that's not entirely true. But the reason the game is slightly boring (to me) is that the amount of certs you need to unlock new weapons (which is what keeps the game fresh, IMO, as well as allows you to be more diverse on the battlefield) is extremely high. Especially for things like Launchers, AA weapons for MAX/vehicles, etc. - that are basically necessities to being helpful. If you don't have these, you're a glorified infantry killer - and the majority of kills on the battlefield come from vehicles, in my experience - not infantry. Therefore, vehicles are higher priority. But I can't kill them very easily without spending weeks on end grinding certs for a launcher that can lock-on to air? That's counter-intuitive, in my eyes.
  15. SirIsaacNeutron

    I think you are wrong about that. Infantry have the advantage of being able to respawn quickly while with vehicles you have resource cost, timer and have to actually drive them from nearest facility that can manufacture them. Infantry can afford to rush into a risky situation, grab a kill or two and then respawn while with the vehicle you have to be much more careful. It results with vehicles having better KDR and infantry getting more kills / certs.
  16. SpecOps Delta

    Wohooo - surprise! Another QQ thread where a kiddie wants to have everything instantly and wihtout any effort - and why? Because he DESERVES it! The OP is of course the middle of our universe and SOE owes him everything. So why does SOE not give it to him? In all other games he also gets everything what he wants. In WoW you get also top tier equipment in 5 days and you do not have to pay anything! (Oops - forget about the monthly costs ^^) Ok then another example: In Battlefield he also gets everything instantly! (Oops - new maps cost real money...and you pay for the game before you can play it. Another bad example....

    This community has a lot of tears to share with the world. You can play this game without any money and you can earn everything (besides vanity items like camos and helmets and so on) just by playing and it is NOT enough? This new generation of players are disgusting!
  17. Zenanii

    You want to know a little secret about games with a lot of unlocks? Once you unlocked everything, once you're "finished" with the game, it suddenly becomes a lot less exciting. You no longer have a active incentive for playing, no reason to repair stuff, ress and heal teammates, deploy sunderers.
    A major part of the core gameplay is to encourage casual players (people without a outfit, who are not sitting in vent coordinating their moves) to do the right thing. If people no longer needed XP, you would see:
    Less deployed sunderers
    Less medics
    Less engineers repairing
    Less ammo crates
    Less people capturing points
    Less people going for the core objectives (generators, SCU)

    Which is why SOE, in their wisdom, made a system in which you will realistically never be finished with "the grind".
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  18. JDS999

    i have no problem with endgame certs. but ei. like reload time 3%-6%-9%,, increments the final 1000 cert should be two times, too 3 times more then the rest not the same 3% for 1000 certs this is what makes no sence to me.
  19. Zenanii

    It makes sense in that they want the lower levels that have the biggest impact fairly easy to obtain, but keep the final level of every upgrade path high enough that players will never "finish" the grind.

    I think the devs have done a fairly good job balancing the uppgrades, the only parts really bugging me is final flare upgrade and in particular the final magburner upgrade, which cost 1000 cert and will allow you to mag-boost 3 times/min where the previous rank is 1.7 times/min.
  20. DemoEvolved

    Apparently the system is working as intended.