00 Stat Tracker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JustGotSuspended, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. JustGotSuspended

    The API should be fixed as sites like fisu are displaying data correctly but the recursion stat tracker still says ERROR: PLAYER DOES NOT EXIST when I try to track a session. Also can't add any new characters to the tracker. A friend (from 00) told me to uninstall it completely and reinstall it, and it worked for him apparently after he did that.

    I tried that 3 times, still get the same error. A bit frustrating because I wanted to try this new voicepack and it's just not the same when I don't get someone screaming achievements at me.

    Anyone still getting this error? Anyone found a fix? Thanks in advance.
  2. JibbaJabba

    I have not run into the issue this time around. I never actually exit my tracker.

    In the past I have had to fully remove the recursion install folder after uninstall to get a reinstall to actually do anything.

    There was also a recent launcher issue that require clearing browser cache. Likely unrelated but wouldn't hurt to try.