You know that there are armor values which you can not find in game.So against gatekeeper tanks have weaker armor but against the basilisk they...
"I don't remember that I had to "cry" about any TRs domination." You were here when the WDS was ,right? Think back what happened then, on the...
And i like when i am right ,and the only thing people can do, is to fix my english to prove it. Thank you. :)
Its nice to see people crying when there precious little faction is in the crosshair. Dude,when TR was strong or OP you and your faction cried as...
Yepp its a cash grab just like every NS weapon.
So you say that a mosquitos... nothing is 100% competitive with a ravens A2A or hornet missiles??Or heat with AP??You only think in infantry...
Just because they changed there name doesn't mean they are different.
Agree but here: [media] [media] see people are doing it now in the past etc.You just had a bad luck there thats all i am saying cause the scythe...
If you put it this way i can only agree. Deployable C4, thats good.
The C4 stick thing is right i tested it i agree although i saw it slide from tanks, but the other ,well you have the same amount of proof in its...
And who are you to tell me not to. C4 stick if you STICK it not drop it like a dog treat.With your reasoning we could throw C4 like grenades...
It depend on what you consider balance.I have a scat max ,you have a scat max ,and who click faster wins(like in noob of duty)is balance for you...
It was a kill you deserve but people can do it without your buff idea.You had bad luck thats all. Second thing. Galaxy nerf ,yes.Take away the...
So you want a fix cause you couldn't kill things with C4 in situations which was never meant to be solved with C4??I mean okay sometimes it works but...
The game has a 0.2-0.4 sec latency cause it has client side detection not server side.It will be like this.Sorry man.
"but it won't kill them unless you are in a group " Welcome to planetside2, a team based game.
Totally agree.
Nothing.Just more moooneyyy.
Troll confirmed.
Separate names with a comma.