This happens to me every...single...time on ANY infantry i play the only one that lasts long enough is heavy assault, and thats only if i already...
Title says it all, i want to be aninja mainly play infiltrator>max>heavy assault. what camo/s should i get?
I didnt know about VR...believe it or not. Or rather, I didnt know that VR you could try out every attachment/gun variation there is! This feature...
i moved across the country (michigan to oregon) so decided id switch to west coast server (connery) on NC from the east coast server (Emerald)....
note: I play NC Just wondering if anyone has any current/up to date infiltrator guides? Ive been really enjoying the scout rifles, just started...
Just curious to how you guys are going about it. atm im using my longshot with a silencer and 7x scope. I carry extra ammo. i find its not TOO...
Simply put if you cant fight against the fact that bolt action will be largely useless beyond 150meters. abuse other things. this basically puts...
I spent how much money to get a good long range bolt action sniper, outfitted it with 12x scope, specifically to try and long range shot. I took a...
been hearing since patch its viable, was wondering how the laser sight effects it. 44 more certs and ill give it a whirl and give feedback if nobody...
just wondering peoples opinions. im finding even with compensator, with HV rounds its near impossible to compensate beyond 2 rounds at long range....
Fully certed, which one is better in close quarters? not counting reloads atm id say GD-22s, however i see the EM1 has softpoint rounds and i dont...
is it the 12x scope? it certainly looks like it!
But i only got desert 1 and 2, there are two other camos im supposed to get but they didnt unlock. please fix this :(
on your INF, i play NC I have two loadouts, one for sniping, one for infiltration Sniping im using the la80 with a 12x scope, i started with 8x...
as a HA, i play NC and i have two loadouts. one uses the defaul SAW with a 3.4 scope, compensator and grip, along with HV rounds, its my longrange...
Im loving this game, good chance my brother and his friends are gonna get in on it. But there is a big hurdle, communication and the ability to...
Basically i want two loadouts. one using a longer range weapon in more open environments and the other abusing CqC weaponry and playstyle, like when...
asking cuz its taken me HOURS to get 60 certs then i got on a heavy assault and managed 80 in one playsitting. but i like the sniper playstyle...
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