We need 1-2 second immunity when leaving the spawn but also a 5 second inability to return to spawn (locked out)
Good bunch. When i see random tag i think "free exp". When i see CT i think "where is his 2 wingmen"
Meh, only 380 ACP ? whats that 143 damage? :P
I occationally headhunt people talking smack in chats.... but its usually a waste of time. Why search for one hard to kill guy when you can get 5...
Because in real life the cone spread of a shotgun would be 1/4 of what it is in game, a triple barrel shotgun would shoot 24 pellets instead of 6,...
Its either a shotgun or it isn't... Its already confined to under 20 meter effectiveness, now they want long range weapons to compete in CQC. People...
Planetside 2 makes kids angry enough to want to do math... Prove 'fun' for me please!
Take another look, the kills are seconds apart from each other >.>
Nothing broke here, working as intended :rolleyes: [media]
lol... good one I'd think the'd need to boost the base speed or reduce the cool down on sprint ability tho...
Yeah, i got addicted to 3rd person in beta, helps me keep me aware of my surroundings and enemies closing in... it does occationaly cause me to...
Agreed. in the meantime i have some staged 1v1s on tape:...
hey all, for your enjoyment. all comments, suggestions, and tactics appreciated, thanks. IF any of you Waterson guys want to participate in some...
Well watch from a distance no longer :) Bunch of clips of the larger battles from last night. lll lll \/
Jackhammer is so hilariously weak... its for those heavies that want to look good at the cost of needing 1 more shot kill. Your better off hipfiring...
I use Hack/Grinder combo, it gives me the burst when i need it, alternating reload cycles, and lower chance to run out of ammo like a dual hacks do.
how long can you jog around with 30 lbs of gear on your back? indefinately? that's what i like to hear boy! :)
Met the pair the other day tank farming noob infantry... rear strafe for the win :)
cheeky how you cant nominate yourself, yet you do :rolleyes:. anywho /bump
They put up a good fight and organize well
Separate names with a comma.