Subject says it all. Continent locks go by way too fast.. making territory gains that much more meaningless. Destroys good fights, making everyone...
I feel that continents lock way too quickly now. Many times I'm in the middle of a good fight that gets ended by a continent lock... and many times...
Its not my attitude that is bad Baphoma, its yours. Read your post and tell me how jerkish you come across. The teamkills I'm talking about are...
Ok, breeje... you feel teamkilling is fun/funny sometimes. Its funny why, because you know it annoys other people? Well, IMO, its the game can do a...
Not sure why 'do you have to aim to use a lockon' is being debated. Sure, you have point the lockon in the general direction of the target, you cant...
Yep Scr1, heavies have AV capabilities. Notice I'm not saying remove lockons. I'm saying make them cost nanites, just like grenades and mine do....
Baphoma I'm assuming you are just trolling here, you can't be that stupid. 'if you get teamkilled its your own fault'. I'll teamkill you three...
A lockon requires zero skill, by definition of the weapon... it locks on. An ESF has to avoid: buster maxs, skyguards, tanks trying to shell you,...
Some thoughts to lower the annoyance factor of teamkillers, griefers, etc. 1. If you drop C4 or a mine in a spawn room or teleporter room, It has...
Anyone that flies would agree that the amount of people running around with lock on rockets is very annoying. For me, its just way too common. I...
I bought a 7 day resource boost yesterday. I was getting +100 nanites/minute yesterday. Today I am getting +75 naniates/minutes. I would like a...
Hi, I have 2000ish DBC, and I'm trying to buy something that costs 269. It keeps saying, "ERROR: there has ben an error processing your order."...
Yes good point. I did as well but turned it back on a while ago for some reason I can't remember... think I'll turn it back off. I made the...
To all the people who think its their duty to tell others how to play in proximity chat: Hey <insert swear here>, no one put you in charge of how...
LodeTria, so are you saying that if 500 people logon to play PS2, and 3 people logon to PS2 with the goal of teamkilling, and/or verbally abusing...
I'm sorry, I think its a great example. Why is it a bad example? How is someone ruining someone else's fun online any different than in person? I...
Since the servers are down and I have no life, I figured I'd make a post on a topic that is near and dear to me. Seems like a lot of times the...
'experienced tanker' = a tanker who shells a base from a mile away. I'm personally not a fan of celebrating people who play at render distance.
In my dreamworld: Tanks get the buff, but only to the front/side/top... the bottom/rear are the same. AV turrets do less dmg at long range, and are...
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