Hey, after my first attempt to make crazy mlg montage videos, I realized that its 2017 and I better try something else. So because infiltrator is...
Should I do more of this mlg montage crap? [media]
[IMG] So this pretends to be a scout rifle? The rifle of a scout... this looks like it was mounted on the top of a humvee. This is by far the...
Accordning to the newest update for PS4 infiltrator should now have access to battle rifles. I was not able to find the battle rilfe in the...
I want to blind my enemys with style... I mean colored darklight flashlights. Red, blue, purple, green...whatever.
When I started playing PS2 the air lock on launcher cost 250 certs. Similar prices had other non top tier weapons like the flare or the artemis....
So after dbg finally fixed the hacker problem, maybe the time has come to do something against team killing on purpose? While this is no big...
I want to start a thread where questions can be asked that just requires a yes or no as answer and maybe one sentence of explanation. No...
Is adrenalin pump competitive for smg infl against nano weave or grenade bundel?
Add a tech plant, amp station, bio lab and a tower to the vr room. For squad training. Shouldnt be that difficult to implement.
Seriously, Team killing is a big problem but what you have implemented at the last patch is ********. I was driving my prowler and got shot by a...
Me and my gf loocking for a VS outfit with capeble platoon leaders who use their mic to give (usefull) orders. And we are both able to follow orders....
I was playing the last two days for the first time on koltyr on ps4 and before that i never thought that team killing is a serious problem but...it...
There is no logical nor balancing reason for them to be as slow as a galaxy. Make their speed between an esf and an galaxy.
Recently I noticed an increase of mentally challenged peeps that throw around the accusation that I was hacking (with a lot of smack talk). Normaly...
so with the hva buff the battle rilfes become a good way to deal dmg over range. If you compare battle rilfes with semi auto scout rilfes (SAS) they...
I am so frustrated with these Peashooters. You score 3 hits with these guns do 90 % dmg and then someone spray and pray and steal your kill, or the...
So... will ZOE ever get fixed to usefulness? Or are the VS needs ingored because the dont cry 24/7 about it? Btw ... today my lightning was...
Hello, I want to buy my max a new weapon. I have already double comet and blueshift. Next it should be double vortex or nebula. I want to buy the...
So please make the suppressor removable by pressing "x" like in CS for the M4A1. There are situations where it is nice to have a suppressor equiped...
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