I got one to add , how is it possible when I lock in with my BR96 character I get a kd off 0.4 , when i lock in with my BR 30 character same vs i...
thanks you all , for me was just the question whey they enabled the feature in the graphic setting since september update again , when it will not...
like this option :) worth a try , let me make a call :) mushrooms will do the trick for sure
so does it means it could be activated ?love the game , but not 1000$ of love :) in the moment i got a 970 witch give me easy 80 to 100 fps on...
that is sad , i just thought since its not grayed out anymore that they fixed it , i watched youtube videos where it was still working and it...
does anybody know if it works ? since the sep update , the gpu particle option is not longer grayed out , but when i choose high med or low it tells...
ok Op was the wrong word , i mean " a little advantage" instead op or is it just luck on my side ? i guess i will find out sooner or later
alright it is maybe just me , o had a gtx 970 witch gave me a framerate ingame of 90 -110 fps sadly i had a 60fps monitor for years now im not...
I guess I will find out the hard way , but I like To use flak more , because of c4 and rockets At least you can react to the archer by sniffing...
lol there was a time when i used my max to protect my engie now i have to sniff his butt to survive i would think the kinetic would be better,...
hi there i have just one short question, i not able to play in the moment to try it out what armor is better for the max against the archer...
I thank you for the quick response , have to love this community We will try this out tonight
I have a question about vehicle seats , I recently got a friend of me to join me playing ps We where playing around with the magrider I was pulling...
Maybe it's just me , by when I come so close To a cloaked infiltrator my crosshairs turns red I don't know if it is a bug , please Let me know...
I have been taunted by a sneaky infiltrator, when we where the Only ones in a tower , he sayed " hey light assault you call your self a soldier"...
I like at 1:11 how the MAX comes and goes , Shows the state of the game ,still nicely played I would have died a couple of times already But I'm a...
I did put some certs in my ammo sunderer I have a question regarding this ( maybe a stupid one) Does the sundie has to be manned in order to give...
Guten morgen I pulled maxes before , but as a mainly solo player Ran auto repair , witch is good for small battles I was just lucky...
I agree , with you the skill level is not as high for good Players , but for me it is very high , I also killed 3 maxes So that makes me feel...
my best ever experience in ps 2 came finally yesterday After playing the whole day and dying meaningless death. There was a huge battle going on at...
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