If I'm going to play a cash shop game I really prefer the base game is already working and implemented, and you play / pay to unlock new stuff. Going...
Forums seem active enough. I guess I'll give this one bump before I let it die. No bayonets? Any new attachments at all?
Should I take that out of my sig? No idea if they still update it. It says Nov 12th on it though, probably outdated. Would have edited with this...
When I left we were bouncing back and forth between air/ground balance, they had just put in the revolver pistols (didn't have feedback on their...
No. Flatly veto'd. The MAX suit is not supposed to be flexible or utilitarian. It's supposed to be a big death can of whoop-***. Rather than adding...
I agree 100% that positioning is > aiming in Planetside2, but that doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact I like it, and I don't really want the...
TR is the original faction from a super totalitarian big-brother type government (space democrats and space republicans) who came to the planet to...
Alerts aren't for fun, they're for moving the majority of combat away from Indar every night and for shoehorning in more XP bonuses so SOE doesn't...
None. It's supposed to be a light vehicle for moving small groups quickly, but no one is going to pack four people into something under MBT...
You can only have out as many as you can carry. If you can only carry one betty and you put it down, go back to the terminal and get another, when...
inb4 extravagant cert refunds for previously bought cosmetics to satisfy whiners.
Yeah but before they nerfed the crossbow the hardest mode was a joke, and the whole argument is moot. As an FPS player I refuse to call running...
Not seeing the mines placed is some kind of bug with items placed outside your render range. I don't remember all the details but it came up...
LOL... someone never played the higher difficulties...
Has anyone ever actually confirmed that the claymores are different from everything else? I mean, I know the graphic LOOKS directional, but when I...
This was always the LA stepping on the infiltrator's toes and it should have been fixed before the game went live. I consider it part of 'finishing'...
Yeah I almost never play medic unless I'm solo. Like others said people usually just get dropped and don't really need to recover that much, and...
Just logged on to some 8,000 certs... If I didn't think the game was pay to win already I'd probably be calling foul, but since I've been saying...
I'm with you in concept, really. I don't like flashbangs and other CC grenades in fast paced shooters. It takes the shooter aciton out of the shooter...
Someone got killed while stunned. :eek:
Separate names with a comma.