Nope, everybody gave up, we moved to Waterson, was playing kinda smoothly, so it might be that just the EU servers are messed up again
Was playing on Miller now, had constant crash. We had 3 squads for my outfit, there wasn't a moment that we had more than 10 people online,...
Says nothing that your camos will disappear completely, plus all my camos are several months old. Lost about 7 camos, hope they fix it quickly
Looking at the server list(on character creation) Miller isn't the only one that's down, Jaeger(US East) is as well.
Woohoo fun times in Miller!
A And I think that it even gives you a warning notification if you try to cert something in VR.
Until the next issue will wreck Miller again.
Miller is still having issues, spent the last 20 minutes to log back in into an outfit night, crashing while still on loading screen. Update:...
This is a wild guess, but have you checked if PhysX is on? It screwed the game majorly for me, crashes every 20 mins and so... Turning it off fixed...
You can't transfer purchases between accounts, only between characters on the same account. And yes, purchases won't be transferred either if bought...
Edit timed out, just got through with chat support, login servers are messed up, getting a banned notification is one of the symptoms of it, SOE is...
Same here, tried to login through and it said my account is banned, now website logins are working but still getting a G29 error every time I...
No screenshots, but I remember we had some problems with the minimap and continent map slightly east of Mekala tech plant, map said there are...
After those 5-10 revives do you stop getting exp completely from revives? or only 1 in every x you don't get? If it's the latter, it is probably...
When reviving with a lower level medical applicator you get a bit more exp because of the extra healing you have to do, but as the poster above me...
That was only in PS1, when you died you could actually see stuff going on around you, so you could see if a medic was approaching you, also when...
Why not? That's the fun of being a combat medic.
Sometimes I find myself frustrated running through hell taking fire and tank shells to reach a dead soldiers, starting the revive only to see them...
Cycler T1S, has full auto burst and single, good AR all around, but not as good as the SABR-13 for longer ranges.
Separate names with a comma.