Hi, Was not sure where to post this, apologies if this has been posted before but recently noticed Briggs server has 2 continents unlocked currently....
I am also experiencing latency on the briggs server of 200ms+ .I notice this problem usually if the game takes longer to login like 2+ minutes...
i understand this but i am not getting 200 xp. my values have not changed. still 100 or less xp per kill. I was getting 200 immeidately after...
holy molly. fingers cross everyone. the evening peak time is soon approaching.
yeh ive been noticing that for a few days now. when it tries to go beyond 300 pop, logins are less likely to be succesfull until the pop drops...
[IMG] This is a graph showing all attempts at login to briggs server during our prime-time. Orange dots are failed attempts at logging in by...
I just wasted almost 1 hour trying to login to this game. 10-15 mins of loginside which would end in CTD everytime. Ended up logging into connery in...
guess what? crashed again. yep. was in the middle of a massive fight at snake ravine and was reviving someone as medic then bam!!!! screen froze. Had...
im crashing but seems that its every 1-2 hours now. weird because earlier on today after the mini-ninja patch, it was every 10-20 minutes. my server...
Yes i am crashing ALOT now. Before was 1-2 hours then CTD now its like 20-30 minutes and dropping. Game just freezes then CTD, i can hear my platoon...
im getting crashes at less then 1 hour now. this is ridiculous. Crashed at least 3-4 times today.
Since the release of the April 16th game update, ive experienced alot more planetside 2 CTD. It generally occurs when deploying to a base, changing...
yes i am getting that also hence why i just posted here instead.
WHAT!! NO TR weapon sound changes. I am sad :( . its the only thing i was really looking forward to.
Issue still happening. ive been scatching my head for the past 30 minutes now trying to log back in after the game just randomly out of the blue CTD...
Fix briggs server
This problem is still happening. sometimes stuck on logging in or get g99 error even though all my firewall and antivirus sw is set to allow ps2.
what class is it? If its the infiltrator then you might have stalker cloak suit equiped on your charactor loadout which disables access to your...
gah failed to get in. giving up hope. no planetside 2 for me tonight. :(
12:08am AEST tryn to login to briggs server. primetime i guess on a sunday morning. step 1 - selected charactor step 2 - pressed login and now...
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