Do you even read bro? "after my first attempt to make crazy mlg montage videos, I realized that its 2017 and I better try something else" I...
Hey, after my first attempt to make crazy mlg montage videos, I realized that its 2017 and I better try something else. So because infiltrator is...
Should I do more of this mlg montage crap? [media]
you know that its alot easier to land bodyshots than headshots...because you know size... hitting the body should be inferior to hitting the head...
We should punish skillfull aiming? The ttk in ps2 is already long compared to other games. What is the point of a game where the dps of the weapon...
DBG should hire us for your ideas and my mad paint skillz. [IMG]
Okay...because I guess that you art designer is not the brightest bulb in the box, I have done it for you. Thank me later. [IMG]
[IMG] So this pretends to be a scout rifle? The rifle of a scout... this looks like it was mounted on the top of a humvee. This is by far the...
Accordning to the newest update for PS4 infiltrator should now have access to battle rifles. I was not able to find the battle rilfe in the...
It is not that common. Until Rank 55 I just noticed one person that was clearly using a mouse and keyboard.
Thanks but I never heared of this outfits so I assume you play on the US server. I play TR on the EU server and for TR the only big platoons are...
Some points that bother me on PS4: The Waypoints on the map are way to small and always red. (Difficult to see on TR trerretory) Almost no...
:( Why?
I want to blind my enemys with style... I mean colored darklight flashlights. Red, blue, purple, green...whatever.
The smg cof from the hip is already nearly 0. A better way to buff the infiltrator would be to increase the movement speed of the infiltrator by 10...
That is a good way to nerf the importance of K/D and encourage teamplay. If this is not a bug!
When I started playing PS2 the air lock on launcher cost 250 certs. Similar prices had other non top tier weapons like the flare or the artemis....
I think you are now ready to play another faction. You will recognize that other factions also have their ups and downs like TR and that they havent...
How about no. The learning curve of airfight in ps2 is still rediciulous high. Imo its way to easy to kill aircrafts. Specially if I fly over...
Separate names with a comma.