They made sniping to easy. They should have kept it the way it was in beta. They removed most of the bullet drop and travel time from sniper rifles....
You've not seen weapon lock problems until you experience a flail in PS1 and you wipe out 20 people from 3km away, with a single shot :D
There would be constant population locks, especially on Miller. Where everyone who isn't an American plays.
They did a good job of it on Doom. So theres no reason other devs can't use it properly. I guess this sorts the good devs from the bad ones :)
I hope so, Vulkan provides such a big performance boost it's crazy. Especially for AMD cards. If developers started using it instead of dx12, we can...
Naa, I don't think so. They are obviously good at close range, their supposed to be, if they were not they would be pointless. But as soon as you get...
Yep, server crashes and client crashes every few minutes. The game is now unplayable.
Another thing I miss from PS1 is the meteor showers :( It's a shame. Theres a lot still missing from PS2 that was in 1. But I doubt it will see the...
Maybe some kind of deployable shield bubble would be better. Which protects against air attack, but not ground level stuff. That would balance things...
If they ban people, they probably don't do it straight away otherwise it's super obvious what got them banned. You leave it a while and then smack...
I dunno, even at 50m you can still see them if they are moving. You can stand perfectly still and the only pixels that will be moving are...
I think they just need to change it to be: If you kill X number of people within X seconds then you get weapons lock for a while. But TKing a lot...
Shotguns are OK, but they aren't going to change a bad player in to a good one. They are useless at anything over about 15m and you can't afford to...
The ONLY time lockdown is useful is when using anti-air. Sit behind cover and deploy and it's the best AA in the game. But other than that it's crap....
If your still running 32bit (lol if you are) you will find that a lot of new games will start running very poorly, or just not working properly soon....
Not really an exploit or bug. Maybe an oversight with the map design (nothing to actually prevent them getting there). It's not like it's...
Welcome to the consolization of PS2. It will only get worse as they make "improvements" to other parts of the game :( As they are 2 seperate...
I miss it too. You can't even force it on through the config any more because they disabled that :/ The performance hit from phyx on the med-high...
AA is fine and has been for a long time now. As we saw in beta, nerfing it only makes air vehicles overpowered and you end up with swarms of them...
Another DDOS attack. It's all over the Steam forums. Lets just hope Daybreak didn't already lay off the network engineers...
Separate names with a comma.