After starting up the game and playing for a short time (about 7-10 or slightly more minutes) The game hitches, and whatever sound was playing at the...
[IMG] Would be nice SOE. Look at the picture, I could set up a nice ambush on a somewhat sizable armor coloumn by using the empty ruined buildings,...
How is it going to work I mean Are we getting a 64-bit client? AMD getting some love? Is PS2 Going to start using more than 2 of my cores? Can I have...
It really Isn't, In a reaver It's just NOT. We're supposed to have "More" armor In our vehicles, yet we are as fragile as any other ESF, then we have...
Can you guys please stop qqing about EVERYTHING Totalbiscuit comes back QQ Something happens QQ JUST **** AND PLAY THE GAME OR LEAVE.
You cant. How the hell do you optimize rendering a massive Zerg? One does not simply manage to find a way to render massive amounts of players In...
I suggest that for the lode star, we can try this: Main Max Transport I think that we should make the lodestar the MAX's main mode of transportation...
Whats happening is that every minute or 10 seconds the client goes (Not responding) For a split second. Its ridiculous because whenever it does that...
No seriously, is anyone else with me on this? Just about all of the carbines suck major balls, except for the GD-7F, that thing ***** everything. The...
We have a steam based outfit for planetside 2, and we're recruiting! We don't use teamspeak, but instead use steam chat, we already have a HL2RP...
Seriously, there is plenty of actual ideas and suggestions for the game. Instead the constant flow of tears that come from people who are too...
Okay seeing as most NC whine, ill be the first to actually not cry about it. (Typed this out on a dsi lol)...
I'm seriously getting pissed with esf's always shooting me down with simple A2A rockets instead of actually shooting me down with the main gun...
Why do people say its so bad? It's honestely not, its 4-shot-kill awesome-sauce weapon of death. Sure its single-shot but all that means is you just...
Separate names with a comma.