Not for me it's not. I just purchased a second GTX680 and I get the artifact/flickering. If I disable SLI it works fine (actually it rocks at 70-90...
BUMP! Just got a 3D setup for Christmas/birthday and none of my favorite games support it! :( Please fix the 3D support for PS2!
I finally figured out what has been preventing me from launching. I just updated to Windows 8.1 and I've been running RivaTuner Statistics Server...
I've had the exact same problem, but I think I may have found the problem! Are you running EVGA's Precision X? Or event the EVGA GeForce Experience...
I, too, am completely unable to launch. I get the Starting banner, screen blanks, and then game crashes. No "G" error code, just "Planetside 2 has...
Actually, no, I didn't know that. For one thing I thought the Vanu's (supposedly) had no drop-off. Maybe all my time playing as a Heavy has made me...
... That's what it feels like. VS sniping was great (at least months back it was). But now as TR I feel like my rifle (bolt action RAM) has no...
Yup, you F***ed up the pie SOE. But I did notice a slightly better FR ... for about 40 secs before crashing. :mad:
Come on, Code Monkeys! Are you trying to make us hate this game? We're now up to 6 times a night of crashing mid fight. I keep hearing that you're...
Yeah, I average a crash about every hour. Plenty of RAM, CPU and graphics power. Call me when you're actually ready.
You're not alone, and it's not you, it's them. I've crashed 5 times in the last two hours. Lower graphics settings may help if the bug is in their...
ARRRGGGHH!!! This has been my pet peeve since I started with PS2! I feel like I'm lumbering about like a fat cow retaining water. I can't climb...
I'm having a similar issue. Looks like the microphone test and the record/playback is busted. However, in-game I can be heard.
Thank you. That is the answer I was looking for (though not the one I was hoping for).
Already got it cranked up. :) To clarify, I'm looking for the PhysX particle effects. Just found a note that adding "GPUPhysics=1" in...
Is there any way to manually turn it on, like from an .ini file? I've seen the videos and it looks beautiful. And my 680 FTW+ needs something to...
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