Yes, agree, but how exactly saving consumables for later was way unbalanced?
If the new system is so great, then somebody please convince me that removing HUNDREDS of my consumables was the breaking point of finally getting...
If you want to hire a dev, don`t hire a competent one - hire soemone who played everquest instead of going to college.
"Captured" a dozen of "videos" today only to realize SOE fxxxed it up again when i tried to play them... sound only with black screen - thanks SOE!...
And there`s this one little bug that prevents the game from being patched without introducing zillions of new bugs per bug intended to be fixed. That...
Why some of the people whine about this valyrie new vehicle thing? I think it`s cool ther`s gonna be a new vehicle, plus you can`t judge a book...
April Fools was yesterday? I crashed 3 times during one hour. Say it again SOE, say you fixed it, make me laugh.
So - how to install this x64 client? The downloader recognizes my CPU and updates to an appropriate client? Or what?
There are deffinitely more than few! Anyway, thumb up for you SOE for showing us that you care!
I guess it`s nothing to do with EU taxes and laws since I got paid from all places outside Europe like Mexico, Kuwait, Australia and USA as...
No. This "getting hit" arc indicator is visible for like 1 sec after you`re fragged before you are taken to the death screen. That`s plenty of...
Please people, understand the simple fact that the direction indicators are in this game since... beta? I`m looking forward for an...
But. Agian, you don`t get it. Those direction arc indicators (which are in this game since forever) give you the direction anyway. How...
Your definition of being stupid is as acurate as your attempts to make up theories on how "A" is bad because you say so. However, I really must...
This is getting stupid, you dont get it do you? Again, the killer MUST be spotted prior to your death to appear on your minimap. So essentially all...
You do realise you actually DID NOT?
Exactly same situation here! Seems like SOE continues to live by the motto "there is no such fix that repairs more than it breaks"
I get freezeframes at random that last for something like 0.5-1.5 sec. My game rig SHOULD be enough to play games like this one as smooth as Quake...
Yes I watched and monitored it (furmark) very carefully - as I said I stared at it all the 15 minutes. I did the "xtreme burn-in test" which I...
Thank you very, very much for the info! I`ve already done some testing in furmark all tests went just fine only when I started testing with "post fx"...
Separate names with a comma.