should be 2pm cst
good read... especially helpful to myself that has very limited HA experience. but a couple things stood out to me. you compare the orion to the...
this isnt how continent population caps work. with 2000/2000 it would be 33%/33%/33%. each side has 33% of overall slots reserved for their...
the side with better tactics wins. or, assuming all things equal (skill/tactics/resources/terrain/etc... "closed system"), stalemate. at least...
this is the crux of the imbalance problem. every pvp game ever made that allows players to choose a side has an imbalance problem, and no one to...
personally i would take this a step farther and instantly force all territory with no warp gate link to go neutral.
UI bug: when picking the utility slot for engineer in the loadout screen, the bouncing betty and c4 cert bars dont reflect being fully certed,...
it does seem like the community has gone downhill... as far as incentives, how about something more fun than a blanket reward. something like...
it was put in about a month before release. the biggest things i remember killing ps1 was hackers / core combat / bfrs. the biggest problem i...
like i said earlier, im a fan of options. i dont see why both systems couldnt co-exist. the people fighting at the bio lab have direct effect...
my point was even if you controlled the satellites, the hex could still flip from influence. i dont think anyone really wants a return to that as...
this was posted in another thread so im still waiting to see how it all plays out when everything is added. in beta the influence system would...
my understanding of the current lattice system is influence does nothing and wont be staying.
i dont have anything against adding both, im a fan of options. that said, ant runs were pretty boring most of the time and an actual ntu system...
this sounds like a better way of adding the ntu system. instead of trying to protect a supply vehicle to refuel the base, you have to protect a...
my memory isnt what it was either but now that i think about it more i think it was actually put in right before release, beta was pretty short...
i seem to remember, during tech test/beta, the devs saying they didnt want ps2 to be ps1 with updated graphics/engine... sigh iirc it took...
VS for some reason they are the hardest models for my eyes to distinguish... especially with camo
this would be so easy to do within the current system. bring back ps1 deployables and they cost resources just like c4/mines do now which will...
last night, for the first time, it actually felt like planetside. people werent out there just farming or worrying about stats. everyone was there...
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