So how about that awesome update we got a few months ago for the MAX. You know, the one where we got those awesome flamethrowers, grenade launchers...
Just kind of curious here.... Would any of you MAX users give up one of your guns to get twice as much health? And here are some numbers: Right...
So an unexpected issue has been occurring due to the lattice system. I am not sure about the other servers but on Connery (currently the highest pop...
So in the current state of the game we have these new intersting MAX abilites right? well I will get to that in a second. Everyone remembers the...
So I didnt know what SOE did but for the MAXes all our large mag weapons are now 250 certs. Yes, you read right. The mutilators, Grinders, and...
So I forget who gave me this example a while back. I just remember it was back before the NC MAX nerf on one of the threads but I feel it is...
So it seems some of you believe the new AV weapon for the TR MAX is OP. Now let me ask you this, how would you balance it? If its so OP it has to...
Simple idea... Limited where you can pull MAX much like MBTs. Increase the resources cost to 200-400 and you can only pull them from bio labs, tech...
The idea is very simple. And I apologize to the NC and VS because I cant think of a good example. But give the MAXes to buy a single weapon. Give...
So.... its now on the test server. If any of you guys remember the videos of TR burster MAXes with lockdown ripping apart a ESF. Well! low and...
So as we have seen if you are on the test server or read some of the threads. The MAX abilities are getting a buff. so KA5 from 13,333 to 16,000...
So right now we have the class revamps and a buggy on the way. And hopefully hossin soon. Now ignoring the bits and pieces like the voice packs and...
Why not honestly? The range is extremely limited, a miss causes you to be extremely open, its an all or nothing moment. And you are in a exosuit. I...
So as someone who never played PS1 I only gather from it what people have stated here on the forums and told me in my outfit. From what I get,...
I am currently speaking from the position of a some one who mains the MAX class. I have about 50% of the class unlocked so far for my TR MAX. I also...
Any one else think it is insane how much damage a grenade launcher can do to a MAX? At least half your health. Its insane that the game literally...
So it has became a habit of mine when I login to PS2. To hop on my outfit's TS, join the squad, then pull a MAX and squad deploy to get into the...
So as every MAX user knows or at least is assumed, they announced in February that there would be a MAX revamp. Yet they havent mentioned it in the...
So I think everyone can agree that NC MAXes are the best in CQC, as they should be. But any VS/TR player can tell you the other MAXes are meh at...
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