So I haven't played in months cause I wanted to wait till I got my new build up and running so I could fully enjoy the game without playing at...
In my opinion the AR are the best infantry weapons in the game.
Bolt and semi auto comes more down to preference, besides that semi is better at closer ranges while bolt is better at more extreme long ranges. I...
Yep, this is discussed all over the forums :/
I vote for any feature that helps my fellow man play the game.
I vote for this as long as faction colors are not used.
I'v heard of people turning Galaxies into large AA gunships with the right certs and guns attached. Never seen one though so I don't know how...
Creative for sure, although I am against the idea of upgrades that only work on one of the factions. It also wouldn't work since Vanu use plasma and...
Mag riders definetly have the advantage at long range tank battles. They can easly strafe and dodge enemy shellings. The other MBT have to turn...
Nothing is wrong with armor. Infantry are suppose to have a hard time taking out a tank, if 1 soldier could easily take out a tank then being in a...
No way to transfer characters or anything attached to them (weapons certs unlocks of any kind). If you have unspent SC then it is attached to your...
The default SAW is pretty garbage for CQC. It has a awful fire rate and horrible hipfire accuracy. It is only better then the 22S at long range...
That really wont change anything. People stock up on infantry items thats how they can spam them. I always keep my infantry explosives topped off at...
He still gave you solution. It might not have been exactly what you were looking for but that doesn't mean you had to get nasty about it. You...
Yep thats SOE balancing for you. Either one extreme or the other they never try to do little changes at a time lol.
Most NC HA tend to use the GD-22S. I even recommend it myself. Its very cheap to buy with certs and it is a very good gun. Try it out with the trial...
I can't stand not having a rocket launcher in a game with a heavy emphasis on vehicular combat. In BF3 I always played the engineer and in PS2 I...
Why arn't you shooting the heavy! You can obviously see him shoot the **** outa him! Do it! DO IT!
The video isn't a good example of camos being a pay 2 win issue, in fact they don't really help at all since you can still clearly see the outline...
One guy brought up this idea a loooong time ago and has made threads about it a bunch. I always thought it was a great idea and would expand on that...
Separate names with a comma.