I think most players like the HIVE aspect. But as it is they serve as a distraction to base captures and alerts. It would be really cool if bases...
And I still haven't seen the small group of "elite skilled" players that I normally do since Battle Eye when I am on. Was it really that many? Holy...
It is ridiculous, VS guns are junky as hell, and TR has the best guns, tanks, maxes.
DBG is doing pretty much everything wrong -- they can't even post major announcements on the god damn official forums first... All they needed to...
I have to apologize. I would argue before that the Ursa and Flare were the top VS HA weapons. But now with almost finishing my Beetlejuice objectives...
Tank Buster Lib just SHREDS ground armor in less than 2 seconds... yet if some how I manage to throw one of my MBT's rainbow arched slow *** cannon...
For 1000 certs I know that the Lasher and MCG are not worth it - I don't know about the JH but since all the empire shotguns are deadly close up I...
It isn't rewarding enough to the losing sides. Most of the times it seems you get a good fight going, then it goes for maybe 10 mins. Then the...
Nerfing things piss me off! Buffing things makes me happy! STOP NERFS! And your implants have completely failed at making me want to buy more SC ;)
Lately I've been noticing non-infiltrators sneaking up on me and getting kills from out of nowhere. I've played this game long enough and I'm always...
Separate names with a comma.