excellent post op agree whit a whole bunch.......
i Only agree whit the connection to the north off tr warpgate, and the vanu connection, the other stuff i am glad they got rid off....
Outfits want to cap continents, resistance doesn't matter, at least all big tr waterson outfits work like that, and i am pritty sure most...
And less tactical gamep^lay, something this game destincts from others and where they gonne lose a lot off audience to, not every game has to...
Offcourse i will, if i have the chance, i am usually the ego platoon's leader during the euro shift on the waterson server, beeing a regular i...
Indeed a big time wasting fight will happen while other events on the map occur whit you beeing stuck in a pointless fight, there's nothing...
How can europeans gain access then?
cannot make a new SOE account their service is down, gj SOE ignoring the majority off your playerbase ;)
How can europeans join?
Lol dumb comment really, cause it gives the enemy less options to cap/backcap which makes the zerg movement for your faction easier.......
can't join :s
doesn't matter if those stats don't represent what they should represent to give a presentation off the game, in which case K/D is absolutly...
well they defitnly need to work something out to create a balanced pop, would love to see initiative from SOE
that doesn't directly mean that will cause an increased pop on Tr and especially Vanu....
Active 24/7 platoons up and running almost every day focused on grabbing those bases we need to grab!
I didn't want to speak up to early, but beeing a tr i noticed it nowto, vanu already had a population issue on most server but now nc is getting a...
grr frustrating
Cause they don't........... capping a continent does whit your outfit...
Separate names with a comma.