Deutsche telekom / T-Online still got the same issues. It´s a peering issue with Cobalt here. I logged in, saw Ping of 560, Connection...
Still same warping on Cobalt! High Ping and Packet Loss. DEV´s what´s the plan with ?
Hmmm, thanks for Reply :/ At least u escalated it. Level3 is known for this kind of behavior in many games the last years ago... My most hated...
Tracert to Cobalt 5 Mins ago: C:\Windows\system32>tracert Routenverfolgung zu [] über...
Routenverfolgung zu [] ber maximal 30 Abschnitte: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms speedport.ip...
Routenverfolgung zu [] ber maximal 30 Abschnitte: 0 Marcel-PC [] 1 speedport.ip...
I will cancel my Subscription if this wont gets better soon. This **** is for about 3 to 4 weeks now.
From Cologne to Amsterdam with Deutsche Telekom/T-Online 350 Ping. Normally i got 30. **** of Level3! ******* NSA-asslickers.
1. I bet u don´t think enough about cover and possible directions from where u could be shot. 2. I bet your Mouse-Sensivity is way too high(fast)...
It´s not on all Server this way. On mine, on Ceres, it´s really too many NCs. But as i said, it´s not on all servers.
push - pump - lift - hello again
I am Member since release and i got degreaded to COPPER too. Even i am haviong a recurring membership plan which was 6 moth now down to 1 month. But...
NERF MANA Anti-Vehicle Turret - Distance and Accuracy The Mana Anti Vehicles Turret Range is completely OP. Also the Accuracy at these mega long...
Not after the update. AAMS becomes common, so slot is free for Gate diffusor... THIS WILL HURT the game... no yard is safe from then... Galaxy...
Author ist right, this planned change needs to be changed a lot until it´s not hurting more than it´s benefitting the gameplay.
10 Shots are more then enough.... i play NC Max myself a lots too. More than 10 Would be overkill. 6 are okay and if u get 2 times 500certs to buff...
Thx a lots! Found it too :) Overall even in Big fights i got more than 40 FPS, way more sometimes. It´s incredibly smooth now. Well, with i5 2500k...
Not in Big Battles... But in Warpgate and Medium Fight above 60 sometimes... I got i5 2500k @ 4,7 GHz semi stable^^ hrhrhr
I found it. FPS Smoothing. New Option under Grafic Settings. To cap FPS for "smother" gameplay. Now it´s off. Senseless option...
MY FPS are locked to 60 FPS all time. But my SCreen runs with 120 Hz. Why is this? Icjh can not find the option to lock max frames and i got V-Sync...
Separate names with a comma.