Honestly... this is a joke, right? As an outfit leader (since early days of PS1) I've constantly tried to get the old comrades into PS2 and that...
Ruffnex werden 10! [IMG] 10 Jahre für die Terran Republic, 10 Jahre Seite an Seite gegen den Feind, 10 Jahre Gemeinschaft, 10 Jahre Ruffnex Ein...
The point is, that the package is offered for a base price of 3k SC even I already have everything expect one item included (which is available for...
Ok, so SOE made a big Cert refund some weeks ago for equipment bought twice. Could someone please explain this to me then o_O : [IMG] Shouldn't...
Just watched the FNO 33 Esamir change sneek peak and have some concerns regarding the shown dome shields I'd like to share. The build that is shown...
[media] bump :) http://www.ruffnex.de/
I kinda expected, no I hoped for threads like this when I came aware of our 6 month free PS playtime ;) PS2 is a great game imo and I like it,...
More ranks are needed
Normally Miller is pretty even in population across all three empires, at least during my regular playtimes. But the 4th faction might be a problem...
Maybe old but still a valid issue with lots of similar suggestions still coming. Imo the situation kinda improved in the meantime at least a bit...
Just that, fully agree! I don't get it why linking the SCU shield to the capture progress should be any benefit to the gameplay. It just removes...
Need to bump this. The tunnels we got are a good step towards the right direction but not what I was hoping to see. At least they showed us that...
He wrote remove grief points not the "ability" to TK people. That's something completely different. Of course this proposal is not a major thing and...
http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/happy-new-year-update-02-info.77203/ So posting our suggestions here may help to improve the...
Had a lot of CTD problems in the end of beta which appeared to have been fixed step by step after release. But with todays Hotfix I'm back to...
The towers are a joke as they are right now, more walls are needed indeed
Yes please! Outfits need more love. Right now we are writing a member list in Excel to trace the people, can you imagine that...!? API release of...
The HUD needs so much work still... And XP sharing is more than overdue. Thumbs up for your suggestions!
On Esamir they created some underground tunnels (this thread originates before Esamir was introduced) so why shouldn't it be possible anywhere...
Separate names with a comma.