Here is my traceroute to Miller: |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |...
Make them fun and interesting instead. The staged design introduced with Lattice-Amerish. I rather like that. Make biolabs staged too. Thanks.
Completely unplayable. Hoping for fix neext week. Bye.
Triple didgit FPS all around, no crashes, very few weird bugs. Therefore, I have decided to honor your effort with a one year membership! Keep up the...
We think we fixed an elusive bug causing /regionsay to randomly stop working. If you still see this happening, please submit a bug report via the in...
I am wondering, because per description you retain the malus to armor and it just increases your weapon damage (which is arguably pretty high at...
This is as much a render distance issue as it is with lock-ons in general. The way lock-ons are currently handled by the game is a huge issue and...
So, next to all those foo is OP and bar is overpop thread, let's try with a serious one for a change. GU12 will most likely hit tonight and it will...
When switching to windowed mode from fullscreen via the gui (or by pressing alt+enter), the game goes into windowed mode for a second or so and then...
I am sorry, but GU2 completely broke the game for me. A few pointers: Enemy infantry and tanks don't render unless they are directly in front of...
I know I know that color/saturation filters are every artists dearest child, but holy Vanu are they annoying. Case in point: Syndicate [IMG] Real...
I stand inside houses and get shot by people who aren't there. There is something really really wrong going on.
I hope that is restricted to multiple characters of the same faction, otherwise it would be entirely possible to spy on everything the enemy does.
Quite frankly, I am growing tired of playing VS. More and more of the people I know are switching away from the VS to either the NC or TR because...
I already made this topic back in beta, so here we go again: <pf> is there a way to make my weapon take up <90% of the screen <pf> this thing is...
I am tired of getting OHK'd by snipers I can't even see because they're outside my rendering distance. That people have different render distances...
I don't know what you did, SOE, but since you did that "rollback" on the servers, hitching has come back and it has come back big time. It's so...
The Composite Armor has shoulder pads that cover your decal. That's obviously pretty stupid. Is it possible to put the decal on top of the...
Can you please add functionality to the launcher, so it can start Planetside2.exe with a different process priority than normal? I am tired of...
5 FPS at Heyoka... I feel more like that '90s guy wildly flailing his arms while showing the rest of his family a boring dia show of his last...
Separate names with a comma.