Cary, I was wondering, did it ever cross T-Rays mind to re-create some sort of Pip-Boy for PS2?
IMO too much time is spend on balance, instead of implementing systems that help create a proper metagame. Also, if there is single design decision...
This is a very clever OP plz nerf post. Congratulations.
Yes. The game freezes every time I try to change class or continent.
Unfortunately very low presets don't help vs. freeze on continent change. :/ I give up.
I used the 'very low' preset and now it seems class change at consoles doesn't lock up the game anymore.
This doesn't help against the lookup-on-class-change problem.
I tried that, but unfortunately the game still freezes every time I access the console to change class.
You hit the nail on the head, allthough not in the way you think. We need more such "objects".
It's a bit strange that you expect to counter a vehicle manned by three with a single ESF. Unless you're really good, that isn't going to happen....
I don't crash, but freeze every time I change class on terminal or spawn a vehicle.
i have both auraxium'd and you cannot 'wipe out a squad in seconds' with those weapons. are you high?
Yes, you do. What are you trying to tell us? That it is somehow SOE's fault that NVidia is discontinuing support for their ancient hardware? What...
That's rather dramatic and dishonest of you to sum up the task of surviving the first fight, popping an RK while not getting hit, switching back...
Heavy assault is primarily a heavy assault unit. Also, the shield is two shots. Infantry gun shots. People need to get a grip. More generally...
Yes, like that. I am not ignoring anything, I was commenting on your point, that role based asymmetric 'balance' has nothing to do whether the...
That has nothing to to with FPS vs MMO. In tribes for example we had light/med/heavy suits, armored in increasing order, that could pack more...
You can't get 'better' in this game. You can catch a couple of friends tho and then pound the living c out of TR together.
I have upgraded. Have you? also, this was pretty interesting -> need more hats!
Yeah I just wanted to make sure I understood that right. Cheers!
Separate names with a comma.