I know. Or a dalton, but I've even had him sense the incoming round and bail ahead of it. Leaving his poor gunners to die.
Goodnight sweet prince. And congrats. That's hella tankbuster kills. I can honestly say that you're one of about... 5 Liberator pilots that I've...
ummm... something something, p2w CoD kiddies with their parents CC r ruining this game. #stopP2W2014 #continuethefarm2014.
Hello, my name is Wycliffslim. I do stuff in Liberators and have succeeded in convincing a moderately large number of people that I'm competent at...
Maybe we should just start everyone with 100k certs, at BR100 and with everything unlocked. The entire point of the directive system is end-game...
Unfortunately we can't do anything about trees :/ Glad to hear last week helped though and hopefully you can attend again and keep improving!
I like to try to avoid scaring new pilots too much. We've found that talking about trees causes many of them to start to break into hysterics.
Here's the REDDIT thread. Or... here's a copy past that may look terrible because reddit to forums. FLIGHT SCHOOL IS GO! What is flight...
Think about what you just said though. DPS of the Vanguard: Means lower DPS than the prowler but not better than Vanguard Armor of the Prowler:...
I'm too lazy to retype all of this and whatnot here so... JUST LOOK AT REDDIT!!!
This... this right here is why I almost never go on the official forums anymore. The sheer amount of absolute mind numbing stupidity is...
While it's not 100% sure the common consensus is that the Red Baron was shot down by a round fired from the ground. More relevant. We're...
Yeah, in all my time playing this game I've seen that happen one or two times. It's incredibly rare and is one of the smallest issues that this game...
He's alternating upward and downward thrust every couple of seconds and changing the yaw and roll as well. That's not flying in a straight line...
He's not flying in a straight line and by not being able to tell that fact you're betraying your ignorance.
I don't see the point of it. Again, this is honestly a tiny issue. I die to it maybe 2 times per month if that and it's easy to avoid by checking...
There's no wall that you can't get back through, there's always an entrance. Or pull LA and hop back over.
"no tactic" It involves the tactic of predicting where someone will pull a vehicle from, getting into that enemy base, placing tank mines, and...
You know what else we should do? C4 should auto detonate within 10 seconds of throwing it, tank mines should be 5 times as large, glow, and...
Separate names with a comma.