Reaver does NOT have the highest potential with the current state of inertia. The limiting factor of the skill ceiling is game mechanics/physics not...
I love my Gauss Saw for engagements 25m+ it's a 6shot kill (not including headshots). When firing the Gauss Saw you need to be still I can't stress...
Reavers!!!!! I don't care how much AA gets buffed - at least i'll be able to play to some of the Reaver's strengths - Afterburner & Air Hammer.
If you're a badass and love your GAUSS SAW advanced forward grip is a must have.
Infantry will blow it up. C4 is available to Light Assault, Medics, Engineers, And Heavy assault. Engineers also get mines. Heavy assault also...
Agreed I play on Helios and I've played way more than i'd care to admit. Aside from the first day Indar has remained Uncapped & Neutral. Esamir...
You created a new char and want special treatment because some guy is killing you?
Vanu: Easy Terran: Medium NC: Hard Thats it and thats all. It should have been advertised like this from the beginning.
Rare footage of Genocidal Rampaging Zebras has been found! We now have a website at:
We don't have Sanctuaries as in PS1 and they wont be added either. Ps1 is not Ps2 , its not even a "sequel" its a "re-imagining" Ad Hominem: You...
A nice idea for a different game. Here is why: "Use weather as an EXCUSE" You said it yourself you're looking for an excuse to not die to...
Based on my (NC) main's stats I've killed about 10% more VS than TR and I've died to VS about 10% more than TR. So that makes sense. I've played...
It seems that Jaeger and Soltech (US EAST) and Helios and Genudine (US WEST) could probably be merged to each other respectively. Thats how it feels...
To be clear - I AM ON GENERAL CHAT TAB - I am able to send my friend whispers and he receives them just fine. When he sends me a reply, I do not...
I must be a fool I was looking for a report pretty angrily heh where can i find this in game?
SargeantSnyder Has been ramminng his reaver into everything at the warpgate and for some reason his craft wont die but he could slam into mine flip...
Helios - TR and Vanu seem much more organized than the NC at the moment there is one major outfit and some small groups doin much on our side. What...
Separate names with a comma.