Is anyone else experiencing Halts in game play, where everyone starts moving backwards and continues firing? My latency implies even when this sort...
Why does the Reaper DMR seem to perform so significantly worse than the AC-X11? I swapped from TR to NC because I am absolutely tired of playing...
Early this morning I spent a fair part of the day having some pretty solid fights against VS and NC on Emerald, then suddenly about 10% of TRs...
I'm back after about a year off and I've found I have virtually no desire to run any of my vehicles anymore. The only thing that I could see myself...
After the release of Empire Specific Max abilities, the option to take extra ammo in the ability slot is now entirely overlooked. Simple solution,...
Been working on this for a little while, was curious what the player base would think of it. I tried to avoid as much personal buffing as possible...
So at this point I feel like there is enough community consensus that one warp gate on each continent is the best. Why not have that warp gate...
Can we lose half or even all of our "extra bullets" to actually get some RoF? Maybe a few weapons with more than 143 damage? Maybe a handful of...
Some people still want more cert gain rate and with that in mind and the current scope of ribbons and alerts, I propose Proficiency awards! It's...
Looking for meaningful input, not switch to Intel. I'm currently using an AMD Phenom II 955 black 3.2ghz overclocked to 3.5ghz What in the mail for...
Just a general question... Why don't more weapon have access to the default level of attachments? Like extended mags, COMPENSATORs, laser sights and...
Where is the list of all the weapons with their unique projectile speeds? After the Vertical recoil nerf (foregrip nerf) HVA is much less appetizing....
I despise the new cap system. I really don't think it accomplishes a damn thing beyond what the previous one did. The battle still ends at the same...
Just a simple thought. I'd like to see how many ribbons I've picked up during this session somewhere on my tab menu. The more detail it could have...
Has anyone else noticed that the TMG-50s cross hair is constantly trying to resettle while sprinting with the compensator attached? Is this normal?...
This is my first day back after the new patch and I've been puttering around with the alert system and the weapon changes. Wow! First I'll state I'm...
Why are non-lethal grenades limited to any class? Can we have Flash, Smoke, Concussion, Emp, and Decoy placed into a new Universal: Grenade slot?...
Today, post patching, I mucked around at Ti Alloys on inf for a minute, mowing a few guys down in a field charge. But I rapidly got bored of that and...
So I'm reading a lot of things about how the Shotguns are being perceived as overpowered and similar things were posted when SMGs made their debut...
Title is it all. Some people have been telling me this issue has already been resolved. Is that the case? Is a fix coming for my Mercy Mag at some...
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