TR and VS share too much in common and it becomes too easy to say this one little change would make this one thing much better. And because they...
Was there a gentlemans agreement not to use A2G weapons constantly? Or is this just more 'We Pilots bluster bluster superior rabble ground peasants...
Are you certain there were no pinging devices nearby? Sensor darts or motion trackers? If you were in fact crouched before anyone was in the area to...
Weapon balance and bug/performance fixes are more important than new meta or other content. Why build on an unstable foundation?
Man I took a long *** break after the last play session I got in on where I had to spent 20 minutes in a Burster MAX for all of 3 kills. This would...
This is actually what I was thinking. Someones going postal without leaving their desk at home.
Indar = Esamir > Amerish > Hossin. Hossin is a frame drop guessing game. Some areas are so much worse than others and there is really no indicator...
Yeah, infiltrator have it the hardest but I have seen and performed the prox mine + smg trap. It's extremely satisfying but uncommon. Editted...
It doesn't. 2x ScatterMax only auto-wins in Max V Max if you're using Grinders and reach melee range. In any other situation than that, an AV MAX...
Yep. Your choice is Mercy or Mutilator...I'm always confused when I see people using others. Personally, I'd really love to see TR have a 167 damage...
I really want to run an A2A gunship, but honestly, my piloting skills are subpar. I just feel like all four guns focused towards AA would let you...
At the moment, the game is more good than bad. The biggest issues are performance/latency/bug related. Empire specific infantry weapons are...
You need to nerf HAs versatility and/or mobility. Not the shield. Remove C4. Remove the ability to jump and sprint while the shield is active....
I didn't say "Killing infantry" did I? The same way Pilots think Nosegun 1v1s is the only acceptable form of combat and everyone should abide by...
I personally wouldn't add cuts of Heavies using Dumbfires against infantry. In general you made that look like the worst combat I've ever seen.
Not really. The whole point is that they can charge intro entrenched infantry and take a lot of them down while absorbing fire for other allies....
I wouldn't mind variable time frame alerts. Ranging between 1 - 2 hours. Or a multi-continent alert for control of a specific type of major...
Hard timers worked for PS1 but I don't know if timers are a better method than a real resource system that has similar limits that are adjusted by...
No. Camou is a cash only cosmetic and increasing it's actual game utility can qualify as Pay 2 Win. Also, the game does not NEED more IFF problems....
Ground forces constantly have to deal with swarms of air. I can only say I'm glad Air forces must also contend with this rampant ********.
Separate names with a comma.