They removed the 20% direct damage reduce from flak armor but that stii makes Lighting AP and Heat not one shot flak armor infantry. All prowler...
Honestly, I'd advise the ones complaining about HE to actually try using it and get great results with it since mostly everyone suggests it's such a...
The problem with flak making tank shells a 2 hit kill is important when someone tries to c4 you in a closed enviroment (in a base or close to it)...
As I said flak armor works while hiting the head and tank shells have no headshot multiplier, so if you want to compare a sniper with a tank...
Lockdown with AP is pretty decent at range with 375 muzzle velocitiy, helps clear the skies in some situations. New ability works best with HEAT...
Flak reduces direct damage from tank shells by 20% and 50% of indirect damage (it also works for headshots) So titan AP for example will do...
You said this "Attackers have it practical. You spawn a vehicle at a relatively safe base, move up to the base that's under attack and start...
It's the same practical thing for the defenders since they will always have a safe base, 1 link behind. Most bases have walls that limits the...
I'd say the walls are there because most players don't take pulling a vehicle as a option "We get shelled, damm these vehicle shi****" Even tho...
My opinion is that HEAT works really well on prowlers, HE on Lightings and maybe AP more on vans and magriders since they have ability's that don't...
Nanoweave does not reduce headshot damage (unless they changed it), at most it reduces the required bullets to get killed from range (smgs in...
That is the case for every vehicle ability, at least while using a lighting I noticed fire supression keeps it's cooldown if you get a new tank...
Server latency past 90 has a larger impact compared to a network ping of 150. I have a network ping of ~50 and people still accuse me of...
Didn't know people cared about alerts since if you want to lock a continent you can just hive it away.
It blocks any damage, you can use the shield as a wall if you want to HE spam a door that has a AI turret next to it, but I belive it takes some...
The AI mana turret shield is immune to all types of damage from the front, even hiting the turret (barrel) directly wont cause damage unless a...
Anyone know if a vanguard can take 5 ligthing AP rounds in the rear using it's shield? Or is it 4
If I would get 10 cents for every hackusation I got playing this game I would start considering PS 2 a good paying job, this of course including the...
Look at it as a flexible capture point that needs defending. If it reduces repair speed by 50% and increases no deploy zone near it by 100%. This...
I still don't see how a sunderer that: -has no weapons -has more life only when deployed -would have slower repair time than usual -would die just as...
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