Currently the system grants a 'Kill' to opponents that last damage your aircraft if you eject and then die on ground impact, there should not be a...
A player with some hammer thing destroyed my Vangard hitting it in the back today, this has got to be the most stupid idea yet, they're just trashing...
After this update anyone is able to call in an orbital strike without actually setting up the construction asset and wiping out your base, makes...
Do you think this new DX11 update has killed PS2 because of poor gameplay?
I think a new type of game play would make Planetside even more fun to play if we were able to build the bases instead of having existing map bases...
The NC Max wielding double ravens should be able to kill infantry. 2 armor rounds in the face, then another 2 and then finally on the 5-6 rounds they...
There needs to be something done about the angle of fire on the ant's gun. Harassers just come along side and fire and you're not able to fire back...
NC "Rangers 3" is looking for experienced and novice player made base builders, play daily.
Separate names with a comma.