100% right. Jaeger was considerably better before the merge. Mattherson isn't much better. All but the VS outifts on Waterson are completely...
Bullet damage is what I was referencing, yes. It compresses the gunfights and makes everyone get close. Add deviation per shot (stupid),...
The numbers behind the weapons in BC2 and PS2 are almost exactly the same.
It takes 2 rockets direct hit to kill infantry, cool your britches.
I see what you did there. Well, it was stupid in Battlefield, and it's stupid now.
this. with reavers too.
Play a different game. Fire fights should begin as far away as is possible. If you can hit someone at 600 meters you should be rewarded.
Spilling the blood of untermensch Vanu on the soil of Indar and the ice of Esamir.
Orion or Saron. Either or.
I don't think you understand how to use your fingers.
Yea but we had better netcode and no iron sights back then. The advent of looking through the sights of a rifle made people forget the art of...
Strafe left, stop, shoot, strafe right, stop shoot. Yea, I know it's not exactly the same.
Obviously this is babby's first fps
In 11 years of gaming you been playing on babby's first server. It's in everything from CS1.6 to BF2. It's not an exploit, it's common and...
Strafing is now an exploit. Kids these days.
Spamming A and D? You're complaining about something that has caused netcode to glitch out for A DECADE. OH MY GOD. Is this who I game with?...
I am so glad I left that **** hole server months ago.
Just like every other game on the planet, yes. I understand that, here is a solution. 1. Bring a faster gun 2. Strafe 3. Hipfire 4.????...
Strafing? You're seriously complaining about strafing? You're complaining about a move that has been in use in games like this for 10 years?...
Certs are irrelevant. I do it for the good of Man and the destruction of all things xenos.
Separate names with a comma.