Okay, there are two modifications Im thinking of for the Light Assault and they're both jet based. First, drifter jets. Some of us love them, some...
Okay, so most of us know about the voice packs in the game. But for those of you who dont: [media] Just listen. There are TR command call outs for...
So I recently earned the TRAC-Shot and basically squealed like a school girl because I could finally stop using the T5 AMC. But when I looked at the...
I remember name change tokens were on the Roadmap at one point, and now everything past November is gone... We were told name change tokens were...
Ok, granted the severs aren't up, but I tried loading the game client with the current update and it's stuck at 94%. It's not even crashing or...
I downloaded todays new patch, and I've found that my game keeps crashing when it loads to about 80 percent. Ive validate files and done everything I...
First off, this: [media] Your first reaction is "This is just a shameless attention grab. I wont pay it any mind." Thats not the point. I put up...
Yeah. That "patch" that you said addresses the issues? The crash isn't related to physics as far as I can tell. Even people on low graphics...
The Jaeger vets have been recognized in the past two days as the most organized players in the Terran Republic. [TRAF], [BRSN], [TT6], [HSTL],...
I just want to take vote, who here likes weapon camo? My vote is no because it seems pointless to paint a gun.
Nerf that crap. I swear to God, I cannot believe how easy it is to abuse that thing. It's like a laser cutter that goes right through shields and...
Separate names with a comma.