Investment groups typically buy up companies if they want to package them with other companies and then sell them off as one for profit. I expect...
For the attempt to break the concurrent FPS record on the 24th, will they be turning off continent locking so we aren't all stuck in VR?
Four classes have access to it. That's my biggest issue. Lock it down to just LA and I'm ok with C4. Everyone and their mother shouldn't be able to...
Make it happen.
Just received my promo email at 1:36 PM. It is a code you enter to redeem SC bonuses/discounts. Pretty nifty - hoping for a variety of "gifts"...
I, too, have received nothing in my Inbox. I've been scanning my spam folders just in case too.
I have a (silly) theory. In the later days of PS1, the VS were ALWAYS outpopped. I recall at the tail end of PS1's glory days, VS consistently had...
Same. Haven't seen one either.
No, I disagree. Planetside 1 was campy and is an element of the franchise that is missing from PS2. Please do NOT make it "realistic". The best...
Been here since PS1 beta :)
Fix region chat once and for all.
Spec ops in PS1 was one of the fondest memories I have of the game. If you had the population disadvantage, you could still put up a fight by...
US here - I finally got into the game, but I'm not longer a premium member...
Same. Can't get past the launcher at the moment.
This. As a PS1 Vanu vet, I can say they had the MOST personality of the three factions. Versatility, agility, and convenience was their mantra....
I don't understand how this has gone unaddressed. It isn't even on the roadmap.
When Planetside 1 went through its first merge, the new server was named Emerald, keeping an original server name. This is sort of a nod to the...
So long as tank buster gets its long overdue nerf, I'm happy.
Liberator's Tank Buster is probably the most overpowered weapon in the game. I'm surprised it's lasted this long in its current state. The rate in...
Server merges are long overdue. One east coast, one west coast please. If one cont fills up, then play on another continent. If that one fills up,...
Separate names with a comma.