Hello, I've been playing PS2 since beta with a joystick for infantry combat since Beta due to being disabled. Since the new Anti-Cheater methods came...
[IMG] currently, this is the 1x sight on the VX6-7. from what i have seen, it's the only one of the carbine 1x's that does this. no, it is NOT the...
i'm extremely curious if anyone has splashed out for the new cpus from Intel, and how they perform in-game.
i noticed this on my Vx6-7 and i was enjoying it immensely, as i felt very comfortable with the larger sight. but upon switching to my Serpent, i got...
against my better judgement, here we go. quite simply, i'm tired of throwing ammo at my enemies. i have one set of bindings for non-Engie classes...
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