For the attempt to break the concurrent FPS record on the 24th, will they be turning off continent locking so we aren't all stuck in VR?
Make it happen.
Spec ops in PS1 was one of the fondest memories I have of the game. If you had the population disadvantage, you could still put up a fight by...
Something that can kill a 450 resource vehicle in less than 5 seconds or a 350 resource MAX in 2 seconds shouldn't be so readily available. Limit it...
Playing VS is great, but the voice announcement every time a point flips? It's driving me bonkers. Can I revert that back in options anywhere to how...
Ever since the February 27th patch when the 30 second revive timer went in, I swear there's been some sort of revive bug for MAX's. When I'm a normal...
We feel there aren't enough one-hit or even two hit kills in the game. The average lifespan is too long, so we are looking to decrease the TTK even...
And it has to be the most horrifying thing for my character to experience. Waking up, still screaming from his last death, while careening towards...
There can't be more than 125 people on Waterson right now, spread over 3 continents (soon to be 4). Please consider merging the servers so that us...
Implement a "Value Timer" for MAX suits. The value of your MAX suit degrades over a set period of time, let's say 5 minutes as an example. If you...
How about some ideas on what would entice you to subscribe, whether it is modifying the benefits that exist today or adding new benefits to go along...
Almost a year and a half later and... Resupply still steals your resources. Try resupplying your prox mines, only to get stuck at 38/40 and each...
Got killed in a MAX suit, my corpse bugged and no medic could revive me. Four different medics tried. Game crashed on me while in a MAX suit. Logged...
I spend 400+ resource points on a vehicle and either PhysXLOL slide into a trench after getting bumped by a friendly tank on the road and getting...
I'll make it short. I'm upset that there will be no transfer of items between the PC version and PS4 version. * The money we spent on the PC game is...
TR: Ice Sheath NC: Space Zipper VS: Butt Crinkle
As a die-hard PS1 vet hell-bent on sticking with tradition in the franchise, I see C4 as an abomination that has no place in the game. Four out of...
I don't agree with the direction in which the PS franchise is being taken. The recent changes have altered the game into something I personally can...
If I log out or get disconnected, I should keep my MAX suit when I log back in, NOT spawn as a Light Assault. As of now, spend 350 resources and DC?...
There are some issues that people have had gripes about since Beta. They are warranted and have yet to be truly addressed. I believe a lengthened...
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