For those of us who remember planetside 1 and the functionality of the galaxy, we remember that it could transport a small vehicle (harasser, ESB,...
I will be playing in game for any random amount of time then it starts acting like the server is lagging by characters moving off into the air or...
In game, there is no option to raise the audio level for fireteam voice chat. All that can be done is raise the audio level of the other players in...
Due to the allowance of base building at the location for the mission and the out right a-holeness of these greefers, no one is allowed to complete...
On my laptop I tried to update PS2 for both the live and test server. Same with test server on my desktop. The error I'm getting is "Unable to...
Since the recent update, my frames and refresh rate have gone to garbage. Sever stuttering, lagging, and overall feeling of slowing down. I have an...
I'm in need of a high resolution copy of the NC Dark Wings decal for personal private use. I wanted to get vehicle magnets made for my work truck...
First off, I want to say that I have been playing PS2 since beta and was a PS1 vet from 2003 to 2009. Ive seen my fair share of buffs, nerfs,...
First off, I'll state that I play all three factions on Connery server, have flown all three ESF's, have engaged in A2A and A2G, have used all forms...
As it says above. This issue has been consistent for months now and does not go away. Every time I log in, I have to re-adjust the volume levels for...
I have been playing my VS character on Connery lately (Character name Ravenfeather) and ever time I log in and play, I have to re-adjust my voice...
Just wanted to let all the VS and TR know how the NC get off while derping around in the warp gate. [IMG]
First of all, I loved the whale call horn for the sundy, and it was a must buy for me, as well as for many others out there. With this said, I got to...
Anyone else feel this way some days? With TR on Connery lately, for my self, it does feel like this. [IMG]
Everyone that runs a sundy knows about taking the "shortcuts" while driving around Amerish. For those not too familiar with what I'm talking about,...
While I was logged in with my NC character, I noticed a giant "M" kept appearing over and over again on the screen. After looking for any possible...
just logged into PS2 through the launcher. Go and try it now.
I read that mines can no longer be activated when thrown on top of a vehicle. Tank Mines Will no longer arm if thrown on top of a vehicle. Is this...
Being a mainly NC player, both PS2 and PS1, I can't help but feel a longing for the old Phoenix from PS1. When we got the dumb fire mode, it became a...
Separate names with a comma.