Yo dawg, heard you like shotguns... So we put an underbarrel shotgun on your shotgun, with a secondary shotgun!
I like my shotguns thank you.
Lol, "capitalize on stupidity". By that do you mean the players who choose to play as infantry or a tank? And didn't want to fight in a...
I do not hope so, no more movement penalties please... I really don't want to see this game turn into the corner camping mess that is BF4...
That is true, but how do you feel about LA in squad play/solo play?
You are witnessing the slowly arriving "Meta" to Planetside 2, at last they work on things that matter for the game... Maybe there are flaws with...
Yea, in my link I have a post of mine where I am talking about a toolslot AV grenade launcher, that is much weaker and shorter range than HA...
Nice to see it used in organized play :).
I agree, Solo LA is amazing fun, and useful.
I personally think I am an allright LA, I play Solo and it works perfectly for me there. I was just wondering if anyone used LA in squad play,...
RIP Ceres...
Ah ok.
But is that as a squad? Or solo play? I also play LA solo, that is fun an usefull atleast when there isn't a lot of air and vehicles, C4 is...
Nice to get some feedback :) thanks! I hope to get some more though to start a discussion.
Sh*t the title is wrong... I meant to end it with "Class"
Is Light Assault a viable assault class* Hey all I do not post a lot of threads in these forums, and I do not want to scream "OP/UP". But I ask...
Can you please tell me where you got that info?
Do you get the helmet instantly or in a couple of days? I would guess a couple of days.
Separate names with a comma.