The problem with the magrider is it takes the most skill. In the hands of a skilled crew it is probably the best tank. But for a novice, it is by far...
give all three to all factions coloring them to be more NS and make them all unique functioning. claymores : directional, large blast, instant...
The reason you are seeing it so much is because of faction switchers (4th factioners) being at an all time high due to pop balance. This gun is NS so...
2 days after launch on Nov 22 2012 was when I started, Helios server before the merge into connery. I spawned at a sunderer under a biolab on indar,...
Those affects sound good but they should be account wide not by character so they get punished on their mains too.
If such a hack existed people would be using it with c4 and tank mines to kill maxes and tanks and even flying aircraft. So it is probably just wonky...
XP for the most part, is not a big enough motivator to get people to do what you in most situations. More/less XP would not change things in 1-3....
I think this one would be great, others are reasonable too. I would also like the ability to not report TKs. As in when your pilot smashes into...
The problem isn't that a weak faction is attacked by others, of course they are, this is war, people always take the path of least resistance and...
I would use nanite modifiers. If you have over 34% pop you start getting less nanites per deposit, if you have under 33% you get more. Small...
similar to what I was thinking. I would give TR an APC, a sunderer with no deploy but 1 better gun and 1 regular gun NC could have a big ***...
Despite my hunch you were on drugs when you wrote this post, I would love to have this feature. Make all prox chat for everyone. Put a check box in...
and then they will all use smgs and shotguns with their newly buffed shields and dominate even more in close range than before
First off thank you for a well thought out and reasoned argument, not just some BS whining thread that is not even comprehensible. I agree with...
radar jammers would be awesome for infils, make them super useful. perhaps more than just sensor darts and motion spotters? what about: 1....
easy fix for this scenario, allow middle pop faction to exceed the 10% rule until they hit high pop faction's numbers also, second graph is way...
agreed please post
The old ones had issues, like not being able to check for mines before spawning, but new one is really bad. Maybe you could put the vehicle spawn pad...
It can be left there, but add back at least one of the ones, but preferably both, that were by the spawn room. A teleporter to the vehicle terminal...
I have always wanted this, some of my favorite moments from Battlefield 1942 were doing this in jeeps and such. This would also make jumping on...
Separate names with a comma.