Happened last night switching between camos. Remnants of their past plans for dual camo? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I want equal or better abilities than these. OR I WILL FORUMSIDE. [IMG] [IMG]
I think this is from the Planetside recruitment deal. I hope they release others for the rest of us. [media]
[IMG] i went from a 2009 M17X duo core laptop that never crashed, but had terrible performance, to a newly built high performance rig from newegg...
Just this morning. [media] [media]
I just recently came back and found out my flash grenades, C4, and claymores got nerfed. My playstyle is big on the element of surprise and flashing...
Yesterday at Allatum i was in the vehicle bay with my prowler defending as much as i could when to my right i saw a mag eskimo kiss the vehicle bay...
Devs, the game has been out for a couple weeks now and i'm already encountering too much repetition in continent fights. I can tell you exactly how...
has anybody experimented with softpoint of high velocity ammo? and can you share your experience? Thanks
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