WHY THE HELL should a frontline soldier have the absolute same HP as everyone else? This is stupid... Heavy assaults have no gimmicks just one...
Seriously, Lost every alert for the last week because people are fighting over bases that aren't latticed to other bases. Pull your heads out NC...
A bipod would require the ability for players to assume the Prone position... which this game does not allow. However if it were implemented......
No heavy shield nerf. If you are any other class other than HA and you are trying to go toe to toe with them. Then you will and should lose. If you...
Heavy assault shield is not an iWIn button it's an i can *handle a shot from a tank so that I can shoot my rocket button * let me try to breach...
And I think they went back on that? Look guys if you are trying to run in head to head against an HA you are going to lose. Plain and simple....
Can someone post a link to exactly WHERE the developers said they were gonna nerf heavy shields? BTW heavy is fine I have no problem killing them...
So after spending the last couple weeks playing nothing but LA (HA is my main.) I can honestly say that HA shield is FINE! You shouldn't expect to...
Because in terms of antiinfantry weapons the cannister is absolutely terrible compared to other faction anti-infantry secondarys. Yes the PPA is...
I'm almost done auraxing the last weapon for the GODsaw... but after watching this... IDK. The godsaw sounds overall much worse from your video......
That should kinda seal it right there. PPA is OP and needs toned down to bring it in line with other anti infantry secondary weapons on tanks....
This is so true. I always have map hotpsots pulled up. There are almost never EVER any hotspots between TR and VS borders. Its all on TR/NC...
So as someone that has played HA only and done just a little bit of research on lag compensation v ttk I say HA is fine.... This could just be...
So I'm thinking of making the Gauss Saw S my all arounder for my HA. I plan on unlocking all attachments for it except certain optics and the...
Separate names with a comma.