Technically the game does actually have a large amount of weapons, you just don't see 2/3 of them on any one faction. I know half of them are...
Just playing devil's advocate here: as long as no upgrades are purchasable through SC only, why does 'Pay-to-win' really matter at this stage...
Lol at only 2 shot difference between AP and HE to kill tanks. And splash on HEAT is now pointless... Guess they're still trying to push through...
But if you're not going to let MBTs have it baseline, how can you give it to other vehicles and not run into the same problem?[/quote] I...
I'm incredibly impressed by Hossin so far, and after reading fully into the details of it I rather like the idea of continent locking just because it...
I support the idea that Nanite Auto repair should be default, with a passive cert line, but acccessible only to engineers (possibly only half...
The anihilator is going to get you nothing but assists against tanks, is useless against parked sundies and for AA you can usually just temp...
I used the underboss for a while as my default secondary (I have the most kills with it of any of my pistols), and I honestly think its the...
Even the anchor's hipfire is only useful within knife range, so its not exactly a selling point, even if you take ALS. Resist/ASC is all...
I wish they would stop making changes that negatively impact the game just for the sake of some hypothetical feature they may be adding...
Does that mean that it counts as a pistol for HS multipliers? All other shotguns have 1.5X multiplier like Xbow I believe, and 1.5x600 is only...
You forgot to fix the Duster.
The RadarX-style comments were a nice touch, but I could tell it wasn't legit because there weren't any smart-alec comments about the Vulcan...
So what's your response to the VS players complaining that turret stabilisation is their faction trait and giving it to everyone makes the...
Both have the same initial accuracy and bloom per shot (and over time due to identical ROF). If you prefer directional recoil then I'd...
I know what you mean because I miss those fights too, but lattice triangles cause issues of their own. Here's an example: NC owns Ceres...
[/quote] The changes would make sense if tanks could switch loadouts at will once the close-quarters fight is finished. As it is, this is...
As much as I'd love to have more of those awesome infantry charges charges between Ceres Hydroponics and TI Alloys, I don't know that having a...
I'd really appreciate if SOE could take these suggestions into account, when tweaking the implementation of the vehicle changes documented in the...
Generally yes, but in this case both weapons have pretty minor horizontal recoil with a foregrip. Some people prefer not to have to bother...
Separate names with a comma.