Currently the system grants a 'Kill' to opponents that last damage your aircraft if you eject and then die on ground impact, there should not be a...
The devs have nerfed the turrets and removed the ability to repair base assets with repair sundys, bases get wiped out quick... made taking the time...
I can't even get support to respond to a ticket, they don't seem to care.
Same problem here, I also put a support ticket in early this morning about it and still no response.
Anytime something becomes useful and fun, weapons, player base assets, some **** in daybreak decides to trash it. Buy something new and three weeks...
I'm having the same problem again. I deleted the folder Lauchpad.cache and it I was able to get in, now that isn't working.
A player with some hammer thing destroyed my Vangard hitting it in the back today, this has got to be the most stupid idea yet, they're just trashing...
People need to start learning to play defense. Leaving no one at a base on the front line or next to be taken isn't a good idea and allows the enemy...
It's constant with this company, they kill everything.
I'd love it if they would just do a map without system bases and just allow for player built bases, so much more fun... Start by building at the warp...
They need to do away with the kill cam.
It's bad enough they've nerfed all the base assets, you can kill a base in minutes and the silo just eats cortium like it's going out of style.
Yeah I saw yesterday on Esamir skl sokars' (t)ard farmers' Bastion floating around while TR claimed base after base, not really sure of the purpose...
After this update anyone is able to call in an orbital strike without actually setting up the construction asset and wiping out your base, makes...
It looks like everyone and their mother is firing off an orbital strike, wtf is that LOL... definitely will make building bases worthless, sad....
There's no point in continuing our thread, you have no wish to build and fight and that's perfectly fine but you're being pessimistic in your...
No it wouldn't destroy the game, have some sort of imagination and problem solving skills or are you one of those who can just run around and...
What you said is exactly why they should have a map where there are just system control points and let the players build the bases, it would...
If you're like me and like building and fighting then you need to check out "Starbase" on steam, it hasn't been released yet but they have gameplay...
They seriously need to reduce the no-build zones around bases, put back the repair modules needing to be destroyed first before a building wall or...
Separate names with a comma.