I Honestly Can't Remember what program can be causing it really. And no i dont remember when it started happening. Should i re-install OS? Cause...
So i think it's a windows 8.1 Problem. i really don't remember when it exactly started. But i have a Memory Leak with my RAM. When i play Games i lag...
I Didn't know where to put this topic so i put it here. Move it if you have too. So i've been MiA for about 9-10 months. What has changed in...
I'm Curious of when Double or Triple Station Cash would be purchasable. I saw on the forums under news and announcements that there was a double...
Whats the Hotfix for? I Wanna check out the new Game Update 2. Took a big break from PS2 for like a half a week waiting for the update and its...
Hmm. There should be notes for 01.17.2013 cause if you look at the news and announcements it has hotfix for 01.16.2013, and hotfix for 01.17.2013. If...
I Believable Virrago forgot to list the patch notes for 01.17.2013 hotfix just recently patch. Not the 01.16.2013 hotfix. Those patch notes are...
Holy Snicker Doodles. Wow!!!! These Screenies explains alot no lie. No wonder why i run BF3 soo much better and smooth. So explains PS2 is...
What about Server Merges!
Still Looking for Dedicated Officers! TS3 Info: http://173rdairbornebrigade.enjin.com/
It's funny cause i see alot of weird **** in-game. Like all the time, and everyone says its my pc and your full of crap. it's Planetside 2. Game is...
My Bad i changed it 2 public. When you upload clips from PS2 when you record on planetside 2 it uploads on my youtube private my bad.
Is there a way to shoot 600 Rockets? This is a bug or render glitch im guessing. Check it out! [media]
Still Looking for Dedicated Officers and Leaders etc. Join Our TS3 and find me on there!
Happy New Years. Where is the SOE Celebrating Gift. I Want Triple SC All day. i wasn't prepared last time. Make it Triple SC All day and i will buy...
Yup it is
Thanks! Yeah Enjin can be very Nice if you know what your doing and you buy atleast the advanced membership for enjin!
Video is Public now? But yeah its happen 3 times in the row logging in
Still Looking for Dedicated Leaders and Members!
Another Bug/Optimization issue is recorded. I Just spawned in-game in this video, and i see this. [media]
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